american wholesale refrigeration

About Forest City Electronics

Here at Forest City Electronics, we strive to bring you comfort in the experiences you once had or continue to have. We grew up playing Nintendo, watching tapes in the VCR, and chatting on the local BBS while tying up the house phone line. And now we have smart TVs and DLC and take every opportunity to show our kids how much better we used to have it.

Of course we don't mention the blinking screens or fuzzy video from back in the day. But taking things apart and fixing them was part of growing up in those days, and that never really leaves you. We have over 20 years of experience fixing anything from computers, VCRs, video gane consoles, and everything in between. And when we put an item up for sale we make sure it works like it did when you unwrapped it.

And much as we prefer the old days sometimes, the newest toys are fun too. Or even necessary to get your work done. So if you grew up when we did or were raised by people who did, we carry high quality products that are tested and guaranteed so you always get the experience you're looking for.

Fast Shipping

Most orders ship the next business day and never more than two business days.

Quality - Tested and Serviced

All of our products are thoroughly cleaned and tested to ensure they work as well as the day they were manufactured.

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

You can return an item for any reason within 30 days.